Marina Bay Sands supports carbon neutral event for ITB Asia 2014

ASIA – The Singaporean arm of Messe Berlin delivered ITB Asia’s first ever carbon neutral event with support from Marina Bay Sands on 29-31 October.

The travel tradeshow took place at Sands Expo and Convention Centre, the first of a three-year run in Marina Bay Sands.

The integrated resort’s team of sustainability experts helped guide ITB Asia 2014 to reduce its carbon footprint by five per cent from 399 tonnes in 2012. Measures to achieve this included choosing food items sourced regionally for the Harvest Menu, using new motion sensors to ensure maximum lighting efficiency in meeting rooms and setting a room temperature of 24 degrees.

The total carbon footprint produced during the three-day event was offset entirely. The carbon credits ares set to be invested in two regional climate change mitigation projects, Sungai Kerling Hydropower in Malaysia and Wayang Windu Geothermal in Indonesia, through the integrated resort’s partner Carbon Story.

ITB Asia 2014 also saw unused booth giveaways and stationery being donated to the resort’s charity partner Food from the Heart. Leftover brochures at the booths were also collected and recycled.

The green statistics will go towards the preparation of the Sands ECO 360 degree Event Impact Statement. This statement will consolidate the sustainable event metrics, such as energy and water consumption, recycling rate, carbon emissions and highlights of the sustainable initiatives.

Marina Bay Sands will also incorporate accommodation data of ITB-hosted delegates – such as energy and water consumption in the hotel rooms – to provide the organiser with a more in-depth overview of the total carbon footprint of the event.

“ITB Asia is an important platform to communicate and generate greater awareness about sustainability to key decision makers in the travel industry,” said Benny Zin, COO and vice president of conventions & exhibitions at Marina Bay Sands.

“Through our leadership efforts, we hope to further the conversations on sustainability and spur more companies and individuals to go green wherever possible." 

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